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ERP Software Our Software

INFOQUID ERP (Enterprise resource planning) Software is used by organizations to manage their business functions within a centralized and integrated system. INFOQUID ERP is used by organizations in the business sectors of Manufacturing, Supply chain, Distribution, Logistics, Financing, Healthcare, Nonprofit groups, Construction, Contracting and Hospitality. With INFOQUID ERP Organizations can manage efficiently all the processes and controls, their staff, Cash, Payments, customers and inventory with seamless integration and the advantage is the automatic updates and postings to accounts directly from Operations.

Integrated System

All the Processes are seamlessly integrated . INFOQUID ERP standardizes organizational procedures for recording transactions and disseminating financial information. It interconnects the reporting activities of different functional areas of the business such as Point Of Sales, Store, Back office & Front office.This streamlines the information input and output of Management accounting and Financial reporting functions such as GST Postings, Reconciliations and Reporting . The adoption of INFOQUID ERP with integrated financial system enhances the speed, accuracy and efficiency of processing Operational & Financial information.and as an example if an operation is performed through system such as sales invoice then all the related masters are gets updated and the related General ledger accounts are posted automatically, the accounts receivable in case of non cash sales etc.,

Finance and Accounting

All the Business processes are integrated with General Ledger and Sub-Ledgers . So the system will make automatic postings to the related accounts in General Ledger with supporing transactions into Related Subledgers. For Example if a customer credit invoice is generated then the system auomatically make the related credit and debit entries in the general ledge, generate transactions in Accounts Receivable (Customers Ledger) and all entries are refleced in Trial Balance.

User Experience and Usability

System is very easy to learn and easy to use for even a normal user. The product has been developed with the intention of creating a positive user experience. The accounting system is supported in a transactional database so that a normal person no need to undertand the accouning credits and debits and the navigation is properly configured.

Each operation has a support of transaction record suppored by automated accounting entries. User can navigate to account through transactions that makes the front end team or customer facting team to interact very effectively with all the stake holders. The accounting team can spend most of their time on verifying and reconciling the accounting data automatically posted in the system and can focus on other accounting tasks. There is minimal requirements of postings entries into accounting system manually

Happy Customers (CRM)

The best way to improve customer satisfaction is to provide client-centered goods and services. INFOQUID ERP is equipped with a very advanced Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool with data across business functions. Along with contact information INFOQUID ERP can show you details such as order history and billing information. This enables your team to see your clients more holistically to gain a better understanding of their wants and needs. The increased customer visibility helps you formulate your sales strategy for improved lead generation and Customer Satisfaction.

Efficient Inventory Levels

A major challenge for growing companies is tracking and monitoring their expanding inventory levels. INFOQUID ERP keeps track of inventory levels at different warehouses, which items are in transportation and which items are on the shelves ready for consumers. The increased warehouse visibility optimizes the pick, pack and ship process greatly, removing all the guesswork and inturn it will recommend efficient inventroy levels that can reduce inventory carrying costs.

Production Planning and Resouce Management

INFOQUID ERP provides insight into all manufacturing operations including the shop floor. This enables users to optimize production schedules, equipment and labor to maximize capacity.IT manages your Bill of Materials (BOM) and fixed assets. With this software, users can easily create and edit BOMs along with keep track of all previous changes. Fixed asset management allows users to schedule equipment maintenance to reduce unexpected downtime, improving your profitability and supply chain relationships..

Real-Time Data Processing

INFOQUID ERP enables you to rely on real-time information about your business transactions. For example,if you operate a trading company, you can remotely track your sales stocks, supply requirements, profitability of you business, Cash Flows etc., you can also simultaneously track your latest inventory records.You can also access real-time reports of the day’s operations and analyze them through general ledger..

Centralized Data

INFOQUID ERP stores all entered data into a single database, allowing all departments to work with the same information. Additionally, all this data can be organized, analyzed and made into reports. ERP brings together customer management, human resources, business intelligence, financial management, inventory and supply chain capabilities into one system.

Rich in Information

INFOQUID ERP serves as a one-stop shop for all your business information, including financial, managerial and cash-flow accounting. As such, when using INFOQUID ERP system, you do not need to maintain seperate accounting procedures for preparing financial, Management and cash-flowreports..

Functional Simplicity

INFOQUID ERP with automated data processing simplifies your accounts and bookkeeping.This eliminates the tedious and complicated reconciliation activities you would have to perform if you were to use non-integrated systems.For example, an integrated financial system eliminates the need to maintain financial and cost-accounting records separately. Adoption of an integrated financial system is more of a necessity rather than a choice. This is because the growing complexities of the modern business world demand the use of such efficient systems to maximize your business performance.

BI(Business Intelligence) and Dynamic Dash Boards

The system provides BI(Business Intelligence) and Dynamic Dash Boards with highly graphical representation cater to whole Business requirements,

Work_Flow Approvals

In built work-flow approval Module that cat from 1 to 99 Levels of approvals and document movements

Electronic Document Management

Quickly store and retreive documents online, eliminates the requirement of carring paper

Why to Chose ERP ?

Enterprise resource planning software is used to manage a number of business functions, but how is it any better than other solutions? Even though ERP may have similar goals to other solutions, its unique features make it a distinctive competitor in the software market. Here are the eight reasons why the importance of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems should be considered by any organization:

More Money Saved

INFOQUID ERP unifies many of the systems that may currently be fragmented in your organization. From product development to accounts payable, your staff will be able to access all the necessary tools for their job from one centralized system, Hence the staff can utilize their time more efficiently. With INFOQUID ERP users don’t have to hunt down a piece of information across multiple systems as all the infromation is available centrally based on user roles

Improved Productivity

With traditional methods, tedious tasks are completely unavoidable. Tasks like generating reports, monitoring inventory levels, timesheet tracking and processing orders have historically taken employees hours to accomplish. In addition to taking up time, these processes lower employee morale and open to human error. INFOQUID ERP can automate your most tedious tasks. The database eliminates redundant tasks such as data entry and allows the system to perform advanced calculations within minutes. This frees up your team members’ time to do more thoughtful work, increasing your ROI when it comes to labor and improves your organization’s productivity, efficiency and profitability.

Improved Collaboration

All team members have access to the company-wide data they need. Additionally, there’s no need to merge information across various systems or sources. Because all of the data is compiled, stored, shared and accessed through a single system, there is no concern about how accurate, complete or secure the data files are. This isn’t as easy to say if perhaps your team is entering the same client information over and over again into several different systems.

Business Analytics

A central database of information also aids in improving your analytics and reporting. INFOQUID ERP records and stores all the data users input, it makes for an excellent business intelligence tool and it makes easier and faster for your team to generate various reports. Reports that could take days of research and compilation will be produced just in minutes.

Compliance Management

As companies grow business, it can be difficult to keep track the different regulations applicable to your business such as environmental, information security and human resources. INFOQUID ERP software provides built-in auditing tools to assist with documenting things like chemical use and tax provisions etc.,. This makes it incredibly easy to formulate reports and send them over to the relevant governing body.

Risk Management

INFOQUID ERP provides tools to manage risk. This solution’s enhanced reliability and accuracy improve overall financial management since there’s less chance for errors during accounting. Forecasting tools also allow users to predict events when it comes to demand, labor and budget. With this information in hand, you can create more secure budgets, schedules and product development plans.

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